Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Question 4: Who Would be the Audience for your Media Product?

Every media product should have a target audience in mind during the creation as it will impact on the sales of the product due to who will relate and buy it. This means it will impact all decisions made about content and design, as the company need to know needs, values and interests of their target audience for the media product to appeal to them.

Demographics are used within media products as it categorises an audience into a 'potential' one, which can include:  gender, age, religion, social grade, and ethnicity/race. This all will help when wanting to know information about their target audience. VALs stand for 'Values and Lifestyles', in which it refers to those VALs of a media product's target audience. This helps marketing for a product as the company will know what other brands and associations the audience may have.

Research and Planning:


As part of my planning I have produced a readership profile to understand more about my target audience.

Age Group: 14-21

Gender: Female (60%)  Male (40%)

Social Grade: D/C

VALs: Strivers/Survivors.

Specific Music Sub-culture: Rock/Pop Punk

Media Texts: Kerrang!, Rocksound, MOJO.

I've chose this as my audience as I can relate well and therefore use my own knowledge of the types of VALs and demographic, and use it wisely to create an appeal to my magazine.

Even though my product has a certain target audience, I feel like it may still appeal to a wider audience as older people may find it enjoyable.

 This is comparable to Kerrang! magazine:

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